February 06, 2012

Superbowl Monday!

So, here it is... February 6th, 2012.
Monday morning, the day after the Superbowl, I unexpectedly woke in horrible pain, unable to turn my head or move my neck, from my shoulders to my skull.
I seem to be paralyzed and am in excruciating pain!!
OMG?!?! WTF!?!?!?! What the hell is happening to me!!??

I haven't done anything unusual.. yesterday was a great day with the family watching the Superbowl.. watched my daughter play some volleyball in the morning, stopped and picked up munchies and drinks, hung out at the park in the afternoon, and later, sat cheering, in front of the TV, eating chicken wings and pizza. Nothing unusual! Nothing life changing!
So, what the hell is happening to me?!?!?