August 03, 2012

Dystonia Girl vs Botulinum Toxin - Round 2 ding ding ding

It's Friday night.. and I can't sleep.. I am in so much pain! OMG!!

I had my second round of Botox injections this morning. And that was not fun AT ALL!!

Doc injected me probably about 30 times.. with 200 units of Botox.  In my upper back, my traps, up the back of my neck, and in the little muscles under the jaw down to the collar bone.  It was like getting stabbed in the throat over and over again! Those were the worst ones! :(

My hubby took some pics while I was there..

This is the doc getting the needle set into one of the spasmodic muscles.

And this is me (grimacing - not smiling), trying to hold still as he pumps me full of poison.

Today, at my appointment, we also talked about the problems I've been having with my voice... and how it's been cracking and turning to "pockets of air" as I speak. Doc said that there's also another Dystonia called Laryngeal Dystonia, which puts the vocal cords, since they are also a muscle, into spasm and it affects the speaking voice.

He can refer me to one of the very few ENT Specialist, that do the Botox injections right into each of the vocal cords. :-/ 

Seriously? Ok, I'm gonna have to think about that one for a while, because just getting the injections into the outside of my neck/throat hurts like hell.. Um.. yeah..

Getting stabbed in my vocal cords VS losing my voice?  Maybe losing my voice won't be that bad?

It's been a long day, so some pain meds.. and I'm off to bed! Not that I'll probably get much sleep again.. I have a lot of new decisions to think about apparently!

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